
时间:2022-07-16 23:02:46 话题作文



话题英语作文 篇1

My name is Susanna. In our city, there was an earthquake at 8:32 yesterday evening.

At that time, I was taking a shower in the bathroom. My motherwas cleaning up the kitchen and my father was watching TV in the livingroom. My elder sister Alice was working on her computer in her room. We were very scared.

Luckily, the earthquake was not heavy and it didn’t last long. And we were all safe.





话题英语作文 篇2

Life needs love and hope Life although is short, but it should like fireworks as brilliant.When we get the basic material needs, then also need higher after the spirit world, if we want to make our lifetime become wonderful, I think, life needs something to love, and to look forward to.

Love what Love youself , love people around you ,love the everything. Even is suffering, if you love it , it will be transformed the growing wealth, make you more strong and brave.

Love yourself, because in the world we are the only one, we should believe we are excellent, try to find our advantages and correct faults. Let yourself more and more perfect, so love others must first love yourself. Love our friends and family, they give us life's warm, when we are alone, they accompany us; when we are sad, they comfort us; when we are failure, they encourage us, so learning gratitude will get more love. Love the nature, the sea,

mountains, rivers, forests and plateau, when we stay in the full of fresh breath natural surroundings, breathing the fresh air, listening the sounds of nature, appreciating the natural scenery, our body will be full of energy and We will be more love this world

When I am tired, I'll go to climb mountains, and put myself in the nature, it can make me to forget all the troubles, I will hold the

camera to take the beautiful moment reserved for eternal memory. I also love sport, it makes me more healthy, more courageous. I like to play badminton, I feel very happy when I sweat. I like to run,I can listen to my heart beating, when I toward the finish line

struggled to run,I will get more perseverance.

There is love there is hope ,when we believe that life has miracle, the future will give us hope. The purpose of life is to have hope, and toward it continuous efforts.

I'm looking forward to one day I can travel the whole of China, and appreciate Chinese fine scenery. I expect I can become an excellent Chinese teacher ___"preach, impart knowledge and to reassure,"I will with love to water the flowers make it blooming . I'm looking forward to have a coffee shop, where with a melodious tunes, a useful book, a glass of sweet coffee, a wisp of warm sunshine, we can provide them a space for tired heart

releasing ,teach them loving life, learning poetic ground life. Because there are loves and expectations in our life, it makes our hearts full, and makes our life more beautiful, Even if life is limited, but we can make unlimited exploits in the limited time . "We may not add the length of life, but can increase the thickness of life." So, let us keep the love in life, and keep something to look forward to .

话题英语作文 篇3


此政策在网络和微信上引发了热议(become a sensation on the Internet and WeChat)。不少网友认为"00后"(children born after 20xx)太自私,即使是同意父母生二胎的孩子,在有了弟弟妹妹后脾气也会变坏。但也有不少人认为,这仅仅是教育方式的问题而已(the problem lies in education)。如青岛一所小学的一群四年级学生日前成立了"反弟弟妹妹联盟",说服父母不要生二胎。(A group of fourth-graders at an elementary school in Qingdao formed an "anti-siblings alliance" in an effort to persuade their parents not to have a second child.)该校一名老师最近发现,班里有八个孩子常聚在一起窃窃私语,讨论这件事(hold secret meetings to discuss the issue)。这些学生担心弟弟妹妹会分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents' exclusive love)。

有话题就会有相关词汇,这就要求大家在平常的学习中多多积累,这样到用的时候心中自然就有丘壑。如本篇总结词汇如下:"00后"(children born after 20xx);反兄弟姐妹联盟"anti-siblings alliance";分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents' exclusive love)。同时也可以扩充相关词汇,如:生育登记服务制度?birth registration service system;流动人口 mobile population;独生子女家庭 only child family;生育时间表 birth time schedule;备孕 plan for pregnancy;母婴用品 baby, kids & maternity products;研究生妈妈 post-graduate mother。

二胎政策实施的过程中,也给社会带来了一定的影响。这一部分探讨也可以作为作文的写作素材。如全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台后,中国内地主要城市三居室或四居室的大户型房子(large three or four-bedroom homes)销量攀升。北京和上海等城市的很多夫妇正在搜寻居住环境更佳的大房子(hunt for larger homes with a better environment),为家里添丁加口早做准备。据估计,新的生育政策将使未来5年内多增加1700万新生儿(extra 17m babies being born within the next five years)。

话题英语作文 篇4






话题英语作文 篇5

The best way of relaxing yourself

traveling is moer and more popular in the modern world.it helps us open our eyes and learn knowledge differden places.so i thing traveling is helpful for us.

when we are free during the holiday ,we can go to some beautiful places to relax ourselves .w hile we are in different pleaces ,we will have a wonderful feeling in all we see,there we can eat all kinds of delicious food,visit many places of interest or something else.

on the other hand ,traveling will help us learn lots of local cultures ,people’s lives there ,sometimes you can make some new friends,it also can make your life colorful.to us students mwe can relax ourselves from the busy studying life,we can use these experiences in our studying.

so if you have time ,traveling is the best way to relax yourself the more places you travel,the mare you will learn.

话题英语作文 篇6

There are four seasons in a year, and I hate winter the most. In my hometown, we don’t have heating system to get warmed, so indoor just as cold as outdoor. The icy wind is blowing on your face and you just feel like you would become a Popsicle. Getting out of bed just become harder and harder as the temperature drops lower. What’s worse, when you try to write your homework, you just can’t feel your hands anymore because of the cold weather. I really envy the people who live in the north for they can stay inside to enjoy the heat, just like living in the spring. Oh, how I wish the winter can pass quickly!


话题英语作文 篇7

外卖风靡校园The Popularity of Take-out Food in School

Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can’t bear the school’s canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students’ room. The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other hand, they want to make sure the students’ healthy. Most students choose to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their health. In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students’ taste, they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally.



相关标签: 学校School 食品Food 安全Safe
