
时间:2023-04-29 00:04:33 话题作文



英语话题作文 篇1

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled MyThoughts on the University Arts Festival. You shouldwrite at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese:



My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival

For our university's arts festival, I think that the university should hold open competitionsand auditions for anyone who wants to take part in the festival's exhibitions and performances.This would not only increase general interest in and appreciation for the arts, but would alsobe a good way for our university to show its support for the arts.

This arts festival is an excellent opportunity to remind everyone that arts are important foreveryone to appreciate and take part in, regardless of major.

I think that there should be general, open auditions and competitions in all the major arts.There should be categories for painting and sculpture; classical, folk and modem dance; andinstrumental and choral groups, both large and small. The judges should be joint committeesmade up of both faculty and Students, both experts in the field and novices. Arranging thefestival in this way will, I believe, give our student body a greater enjoyment of the arts, a breakfrom studies and a fuller appreciation for what it means to be human.

英语话题作文 篇2

1. 出国留学有很多好处

2. 出国留学也会遇到很多难题

3. 你的选择



Being exposed to entirely new ideas and trends,they can enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons.


by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.


A great gift a parent can give is to let a child spread his /her wings and be independent

Reduce their dependence on their parents



learning a foreign language and communicating smoothly with the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most people.


It also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a new diet, custom,set of ideas and even the climate

英语话题作文 篇3

Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.

Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.

Let’s pick up our “backpack”—honesty, and start the wonderful journey!





英语话题作文 篇4

With the popularization of the Internet, network classrooms are gaining more and more popularity. As a new teaching pattern, network classrooms have become an effective complement to traditional classrooms. So some people propose one question: will network classrooms replace traditional classrooms?

As to this question, the opinions vary from one to another. Some people think it quite possible for network classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms. First, network classrooms neednt have face-to-face communication and are not limited by time and place, which facilitate both teachers and students. Secondly, network classrooms release teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again. However, many people have opposite standpoints. They say that with online courses, students lack direct communications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly. In addition, the computer system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time.

英语话题作文 篇5

For most of us today ,(1).From above ,we can find that the reasons why (2) are as follows.The primary reason ,i think, is (3).Second,(4).The third reason, actually ,is (5).The significance for (6) 。Therefore ,(7).




most of us today (recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem . lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air .many fish die of poisonous water . thousandsof people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas . therefore ,environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling ,or bringing death not only to human beings ,but also to wild life .)from above ,we can find that the reasons why (environment are polluted more and more seriously) are as follows.

the primary reason ,I think , is (the reason of harmful substances into environment . for example ,to prevent insects ,farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests . however ,they pollute air ,water and land ).second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly ).the third reason actually is (the result of a growing population in the world . everyday , so much litter and waste are poured out from houses ,also pollute the environment ).the significance for (controlling pollution ) noted that it‘s high time that more effective measures should be taken .therefore ,(new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories . moreover ,in the households ,there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste . let‘s make our good efforts ,and the world will be a safer place to live for us ).
