
时间:2023-05-13 00:01:24 话题作文



话题英语作文 篇1


spare tie (业余时间), favrite (最喜欢的), interest(兴趣), hbb(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read nvels(也小说), pla ftball/basetball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat nline(在线聊天), pla gaes(玩游戏), cllect staps(集邮), ae e—friends(交网友), clib untains(爬山), watch TV (看电视), en ppular usic(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develp an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fnd f(喜欢…),be een n(喜欢…), have lve fr(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等.


wr(工作), be at wr(在工作), wr hard(努力工作), prduce(生产), wrer(工人), labr frce(劳动力), labr(劳动), vluntar labr(义务劳动),serve the peple(为人民服务),heart and sul(全心全意),phsical labr(体力劳动), ental labr(脑力劳动), labr viewpint(劳动观念), labr da(劳动节), wrda(工作日), eans f labr(劳动方式), hnrable(光荣的), be devted t(奉献于..), value(价值), earn ne(赚钱) , persnal interests(个人利益)等.


harnius(和谐的), friendl(友好的), civilized(文明的), hnest(真诚的), credible (诚信的), be public—spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in rder(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harn(生活和谐), sustainable develpent(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care fr each ther(互相关心), have deep lve fr (热爱), be cncerned with (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), tae an active part in(积极参与), pa attentin t scial ral(讲究社会公德), prtect the envirnent(保护环境), save energ(节省能源)等.n pains, n gains. 不劳无获.

…can be achieved b hard w. …可以通过劳动获得.it is difficult t find wr in the present situatin. 在当前形势下,很难找到工作.it is hnrable t … …是光荣的.if everne … fr thers and the sciet, ur wrld will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…, 我们这个世界将会….ever ne shuld … and devtes hiself t building ur therland int a strng cuntr.每个人应该 …,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量.


epl(雇佣), l fr(寻找), tae in(吸纳), full—tie(全职的), part—tie(兼职的), well—paid(薪水高的), be paid b the hur(按小时发工资), requireent(要求), résué(个人履历),schling(受教育情况), subects(课程), wring experience(工作经历), qualificatin(合格证明), transcript (成绩单), health(健康状况), present address(现在通讯地址)等,appl fr(申请…), graduate fr(毕业于), ar in(以…为专业), degree(学位), schlarship(奖学金), gd grades(良好的成绩), hbb(爱好), favrite(最喜欢的), be silled in(在…方面熟练), be gd at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), cnfident(自信的), English and cputer abilit(英语和计算机能力), health(健康的)等.


phsical and ental cnditin(身体与精神状态), strng(强壮的), un/health(不健康/健康的), verweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/shrt—sighted(近视的), entall unhealth(精神不健全的), nral(正常的), abnral(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealth eating habit(不健康的饮食习惯), eat uch un fd (吃太多的垃圾食品)等,sta/eep health/fit(保持健康), build up ne’s bd/ iprve ne’s’ health(强身健体), enugh sleep(充足的睡眠), tae regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), rper diet(合理的饮食), gd living habits(良好的生活习惯), lse weight(减肥), reve heav burdens(减轻负担), be gd fr/d gd t(对…有益处), nutritin(营养), g n diet(节食), fr a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯) breathe in as uch fresh air等.

……此处隐藏1566个字……cret." My face became livid, said: "you cannot say it out." She smiled and said: "no problem, however, elder sister, you want to help me wash the dishes." To help her wash the dishes! I don't! But I can't think of anything else, just nodded and agreed. I later learned that she was magically know the mother's secret. Know so many secret, useful? It was not until that day, I know there is no use. It was the summer vacation, I and my sister secretly watching TV at home, I didn't think be back early father saw, he said sternly: "I don't tell your mother!" She immediately stood up and rightfully said: "how dare you!" Oh my god! The momentum reminds me of my roars from the mountains of that kind of dignity, the kind of fierce waters against the rock, the sort of bold plunges three thousand feet. I say this is no exaggeration, father is a king, as a child she dare to outspoken to intimidate dad, affirmation is enough! She picked up a book casually, said: "be careful I told my mother you hide private..." She hasn't finished, dad's face immediately changed color, interrupted and said, "okay, I do not say, you can't say, let me catch you again next time in watching TV, you carefully to see how I tidy up you!" Watching me shocked with all this, thought: well, looks like a king and escapes the control of her gossip master!

She ah, counsel is not only a master, master of gossip, or a super annoying trick master. That day in the middle of the night, I got up and go to the toilet, came back, found that she actually gone! It scared me out in a cold sweat, just still in bed like a pig in a deep sleep now, how to push and push don't wake up, how to evaporate from your room now? Jitters in the room, I turned around, there's no one there. I thought, she can't be captured by monsters! I just get ready to go across the room to inform mom and dad, suddenly saw a white thing standing in the doorway, as it was night, the white was particularly clear. I saw the white terror things took up the "hand" of white came to me. My first reaction was: ah! Sister is seized the ghost returned to catch me! The second response is: "ah," screamed and ran back sharply. Ghost after seeing my reaction to burst out laughing. "What!" I watched "ghost" of angry white cloth cover on it, it was just evaporate from the room's sister. I said sternly, "where have you run!" She smiled and said in a sarcastic tone: "you're a fool, I have been hiding behind the door!" I learned the truth provocation.

Well, you said, there is such a younger sister, can not let a person afflictive? Oh, she is back! I am not to be taunted still can't afford to hide? Slipped quickly! What did you say? Hiss, small voice point, don't let her hear.

话题英语作文 篇7



